When you are not feeling your best, it can show on your skin. Just as taking the time to make a nourishing meal can improve how you feel inside, nourishing your skin by applying natural and healthy mixtures of foods can restore your healthy outer glow.
Why Fruit Facials Work
You have probably heard of alpha-hydroxy acids (AHAs) – you can find hundreds of skin-care products with that term on the label. AHAs are popular skin care ingredients because they help dissolve the outermost layer of dry, dead skin, revealing fresh and glowing skin underneath. They also improve the moisture retention of the skin, keeping it softer and fuller in appearance.
You don’t have to buy expensive beauty products to gain the benefit of AHAs, though. The same acids in these products occur naturally in a variety of fruits. Using those fruits to make your own skin concoctions can save you money and ensure that you are pampering yourself with healthy and natural nutrients.
Precautions with Fruit Facials
Fruit facials have all natural ingredients, but they can still produce an irritating reaction, especially if you have very sensitive skin. Moreover, your reactions can change over time – what worked fine at one point can become more irritating on another day. For these reasons, always test your facial concoction on a small patch of skin and watch for a reaction before slathering it on.
AHAs also make your skin more sensitive to the sun, so be extra careful to apply a good sunscreen before going outdoors, even if it is cloudy. You don’t want to undo all the good benefits of your fruit facial by getting sun damage!
How to Make Fruit Facials
There are plenty of recipes online and in beauty magazines for homemade fruit facials, and you can also improvise your own. Here are some ingredients that you can use:
• Strawberries – Strawberries contain glycolic acid, one of the best known of the AHAs. Glycolic acid is a key component in many products because the small size of its molecules allows it to absorb easily into the skin. The seeds in strawberries can also act as an exfoliant.
• Oatmeal – Any facial mask needs a filler that holds the other ingredients together, and oatmeal is perfect for the job. When mixed with water, it becomes sticky and helps hold the other ingredients in place on your skin. It also helps absorb excess oil. Look for finely ground oats or take standard plain breakfast oatmeal and whirl it in a food processor for a finer texture.
• Bananas – Bananas are another great base for a fruit facial. They help moisturize and soften the skin. You can use a mashed-up banana on its own, or mix it with a little plain yogurt and honey. Honey’s natural antibacterial properties help fight acne.
• Grapes – Grapes are full of AHAs and antioxidants, both of which are good for skin. Use a blender or food processor to blend six or seven grapes with the white of one egg. Seeded grapes are better because when ground, they release grapeseed oil, an excellent moisturizing agent.
• Cucumbers – You may have used cucumber slices to soothe swollen or irritated skin around your eyes, but they have the same effect on your whole face. Cucumbers add a skin-cooling and soothing ingredient to any facial mixture.
Fruit facials are quick and easy to whip up, and it’s easy to keep the ingredients on hand. They are also a great way to use up fruit that is past its prime for eating. Next time you are in the produce aisle, pick up some fruit to eat, and a few extra pieces to feed your healthy skin as well!