Great lips have been the trademark of several of the most famous actresses. In the 1940s, 50s, and 60s, actresses like Marilyn Monroe, Brigitte Bardot, and Elizabeth Taylor became famous for their spectacular lips.
Having a beautiful set of lips is one of the most attractive features for a woman. This is why actresses made it such a prominent feature of their look, and why women today are wanting to have that same gorgeous full lip appearance.
However, that is not always easy to do. Some may not have a natural beauty to their lips as age has diminished their appearance. If this is you, there is no reason for you to be concerned. You can restore that look by following these helpful tips.
Find the Right Makeup

There are many cosmetic brands that featured lipsticks, glosses, and other makeup products specifically assigned for lips. While they can give the right kind of look, there is more to having a full set of lips than using the right color. You not only want a makeup that accents your lips so they look beautiful, but also helps to restore, rejuvenate, and enhance.
Moisturize and Exfoliate

To create fuller lips, where you want to begin is by choosing the right moisturizer and exfoliator. Lips will lose their beauty often because of dryness. Even people who drink plenty of water each day can face this reality. Wind, dry weather, humidity, and other weather conditions can lead to dryness. In fact, other cosmetic brands have a dramatic impact on dryness of your lips. They can actually be the cause of dry lips.
This is why it is important to find the right moisturizer that can help to restore your lips. A quality moisturizer removes dryness, helping to add to the beauty of your lips. Plus, they will help you to feel better.
Exfoliating is important as well. You not only want to remove dry skin, but to do so in a way that helps to restore their appearance. The right combination of exfoliator and moisturizer is critical.
You can find the perfect moisturizing products on our webshop, where we have a line of serums and oils specifically designed to do all of these things to create a beautiful full lip appearance.
Accent Your Cupid’s Bow

If you are unfamiliar with this term, your cupid’s bow is the dip at the top of your upper lip. To add to the look of your lips, you want to accent this area. This helps to draw attention to your lips and is like a beacon highlighting your beauty.
No matter how your lips look, this becomes an instant boost for your lips. A simple thing to do to give your lips a fuller look.
The Right Makeup Part II

Choosing the right lip gloss or lipstick is essential to give a beautiful, full look to your lips, but you need the right makeup for your entire face. If your lips look amazing but the rest of your makeup is drab or unappealing, it will take away from the incredible look of your lips.
This is why you need to find a makeup that helps to accent the beauty of your entire face. However, do not just choose a good color. If you want your lips to look full and lush, then an essential element of creating that look is the proper blending of your makeup into your lips.
You need to ensure that the makeup is closely matched to the shade of your lipstick. It should look like a natural flow forms from the skin surrounding the lips into the lipstick itself. This will give a smooth and natural appearance and will really help to give your lips an amazing look.
Stay Light

While you may find that you like to use dark-colored lipsticks, the truth is that lighter shades are much more likely to present a full appearance for your lips. This may be disappointing for those who like a particular hue, but no need to fret. All you need to do is to select a shade that is slightly lighter than what you are used to.
If you are still finding that this is not working for you, then the option may be to go with a nude or pale pink color. This highlights the lips in a very natural way, giving the illusion of fullness. To accomplish this, using a lip pencil may be the better option.
The Double Shade Look

A great trick that can give a real full look to your lips is to use two different shades. This gives a double pout appearance. Begin by choosing a dark color and a neutral one. Apply the darker color first, then dab in the lighter one in the middle of your lips.
As an extra trick pay attention to type of lips you have. If you have a fuller top lip, apply the lighter shade only to the opposite lip. If the bottom lip is fuller, then applied the lighter shade to the top. This evens out your lips, making them look even more amazing.
Contour Your Lips

A similar trick that can really make your lips pop is to contour them. This is one of the most common tricks used by cosmetic professionals and makeup artists. Contouring does wonders for your entire face. It makes your forehead smaller, highlights your cheeks, and makes your lips look full.
This can be accomplished by dusting an ashy color into the lips or using a crème contour in the center of your bottom of your lip and just above the top of your upper lip. This gives a very subtle shadow appearance. Of course, it is only successful if you blend it correctly. You may want to seek the help of a professional at first so you can do it right.
These little tips can give you the full look you have longed for. You will love the way your looks look. More importantly, you will find others will love the look as well.